584比尔(马努·里奥斯 饰)是一家公立医院的一名住院医生,他在这里已经工作了几个月。数百次轮班,数千个小时,几乎没有时间过自己的生活。但这是他的职业,他愿意尽一切努力成为最好的医生。他没有想到的是,这家医院会爆发全面罢工,而且不提供最低限度的服务。为了提高公众对医院所做的重要工作的认识,并对公共卫生系统敲敲男孩
551影片是《X》《珀尔》的续集。1985年,在德州农场的血腥屠杀五年后,从成人电影界窜起、满怀抱负的女演员玛克辛(米娅·高斯 Mia Goth 饰)搬去洛杉矶,终于取得事业的重大突破。但当一名专挑好莱坞年轻艺人痛下毒手的神秘罪犯开始横行街头时,玛克辛的黑暗过去也可能将因此被揭露。无处可逃
597A dangerous game, full of traps. A dispute of power, money and desire. On one side of the board, delegate Giovanna Torres, on the other, the wife of a妻子保卫战
1082A wife who just had a miscarriage finds out that her husband is having an affair with a high-end escort. She turns into prostitution and will take her玩具
755Thea, Rene's wife, always invites her other man, Geoff, over dinner for them to make out in the house. But when a new woman, Camille, enters the pictu